Tuesday 14 October 2008

Learning the new life...

I've developed some new techniques and habits these last few weeks. I know how to stand to get the most amount of air into my lungs while i break for breath. I know how to get in and out of bed in the ways that will produce the least amount of pain. I've learned that using a heat pad on my aching muscles bring a few seconds of relief. For those few precious seconds, the pain just goes away.

I guess I'm learning how to live this life.

It's a little more complicated than my life was before. I have to think about things before I do them, plan how I'm going to do whatever it is I'm going to do. I guess I miss just being able to sort of stumble through life without thinking too
much about it. Something needed to be moved? I'd just pick it up. Not any more. Moving around the house was something I took for granted. Now i have to stop and think before i attempt the things i want to do.

I hope to go back to that life relatively soon, as soon as my body gets to grips with its new way of coping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll get back there Amy and we're there to help you every step of the way :)