This thursday just gone, i had my usual lot of chemotherapy and once again it left me pretty ill. Sunday came and it was the day of the race, i felt really ill and was sick a few hours before it but i knew i wanted to still do it - and in a way i knew i had to.
It sounds ironic but i literally fely like i was racing for my life, and racing for my life i sure did :)
We decided it best to walk the course instead of running it and we officially came last, but the atmosphere was amazing and i was so proud of myself for not giving up. This race means a lot to me, but i wasn't just racing for myself and it makes me feel all the more blessed that i could finish it.
I've never seen so many people all there for the same reason and it's sad, but also extremely rewarding to be able to walk alongside many inspirational people, whether they were there in person or in spirit !
The support shown for us as we crossed the finish line was overwhelming, so many people were cheering and willing us not to give up - even if we were last :)
A brilliant day was had and i know that everyone was definately looking down on us - the rain started to pour the moment we got in the car to come home!
Congratulations Amy, you definately deserve that medal!
I'm really proud of you, you are such an inspiration :)
Love you xxx
This proves that if you put your heart and mind into it you can achieve anything, and you certainly have Amy.
by seeing that photo shows that your still going strong and with a massive smile on your face =]
Take Care xxx
Okay I'm gonna go philosophical here and say that's a very strong lesson there... it don't matter when you finish, if you keep going right til the end then you can look back and be proud of what you did =]
whoa that was deep...
luv -Jim
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