Tuesday 14 August 2007

Last Chance Treatment

So today was the day.

Meeting my new doctor and finding out what so called "amazing" treatments she had up her sleeve.

Turns out she had only one thing that hadn't been tried on me yet.....a stem cell transplant.
Wouldn't really call it amazing, more like a pain in the ass!

This seems like the last and only treatment that they have to offer and the doctor still cannot guarantee if it's going to kill my tumour. Perfect.

It involves a long and what seems like a painful process.
My body will be blasted with high dose chemotherapy, practically killing every blood cell in my body. I will then be given back healthy cells in the hope that my body will take them and start rebuilding healthy cells. Sounds easy? It's not!

The doctor told me on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the mildest chemotherapy and 10 being the strongest) the chemotherapy i will have to have comes in at about a 9 or 10.
I will be in hospital for about 5 weeks while the transplant takes place and then it will take about 4-6 months to fully recover.
Another long process, oh the joys.

I noticed immediately that i was now in an adult hospital as the doctor was very blunt and straight to the point with me.
She rolled off a list of all the side effects, and during the transplant as i have no cells to fight infection, she guaranteed 100% that i will pick up some sort of virus.
She also told me outright that i may die from it, though apparently there is a much higher rate of survival (like that makes me feel any better)
She also told me my fertility will be affected, i will probably find it harder to concieve children naturally.

Damn what a brain freeze. All this was explained to me in about the space of ten minutes. I then got ushered out for various blood tests and scans.
I'm due a PET scan in four weeks, but until then another waiting game.
Once i get the results of my scan, they want to push straight on with this transplant.

Yes i will be in hospital a long time, yes the transplant might not even work, yes i might die from it....but i know without a shadow of a doubt, i'm not giving up without a fight...and a BIG fight at that :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woah Amy i'm even more stuck for words than in the last one ='[

If anyone can get through this its you.

you've been through too much to turn back now, we are all behind you no matter what

Mil XX