Saturday, 8 November 2008

Hard To Disguise The Bad Days...

A lot of people have said that several of my blogs recently have sounded very down, that I seem depressed.

I guess that's true.

I don't mean to sound that way, but sometimes I have bad days. I guess that comes through in my writing.

I've been tempted not to publish some of them, but everyone says that if that's the way I feel on that day, so be it.

It's hard not to let everything we're going through get to us sometimes. Some days the burden seems greater, seems almost too much to bear. I know I shouldn't, but some days I want to feel sorry for myself, to give in to the dark side.

But those moments pass. We all have to reach inside ourselves and find some reserve still untapped, some strength that's still there, and push forward.

We have to find the will to take the next step, and then the one after that.

Some days that's hard. At least it is for me. I'd love to be a pillar of strength every day, to never feel or show weakness.

But we're all just human, after all.


Anonymous said...

Mostly when it comes to this you have strengh and class but for me, you always have honesty. If that means 'heck, I feel like crap today' then that's how it is. I'd rather have honest Amy than sunshine Amy, esp if sunshine Amy isn't the real you....

Anonymous said...

I love whatever Amy you need to be x x

Anonymous said...

You be whoever you want sweetie, we're here for you no matter what x