Wednesday 5 November 2008

Fizz, Bang and Pop?

What is it with winter and dull days?

The pain is hard to take at the moment. No matter where i try and get there is a constant uncomfortable feeling that radiates throughout my body.
It's the same pain as before yet as usual when it comes to me, it's obviously worse this time round.

At the moment the days are passing slowly. The seconds turn into minutes; the minutes into hours and so on.

It's difficult. Sometimes it's hard to get up on days like this. Trying to find some sort of norm through it all is getting all the more harder.

I wonder if it would be easier to give up sometimes, let someone else take over and give me the rest my body so desperately needs.

I guess i'm just hoping that today of all days the pain will fizzle out like the fireworks going off around me. All about the big flash and the pretty colours then eventually fading back down to a spark.....if only.

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